
Friday, March 23, 2012

Do something for a good cause... "Do Fun Stuff"

A friend recently pointed me towards a fun new blog, called Pacing the Panic Room and he works together to produce an album benefiting PRISMS, a foundation for research and support for Smith Magenis Syndrome, a rare and very unknown chromosomal defect. His son has this condition, and so he blogs about living with a special needs child and you know, life. He has a beautifully poetic outlook on things, so add him to  your reader or follow him or whatever, 'cause his is an amazing perspective on things!

But the CD, Do Fun Stuff, is an awesome compilation of songs for the 2-and-up set. I died laughing at the "Potty Time" song, because what parent has not sang a song about flushing, peeing, and wiping??? And Cracker Jackson has a song about ALL of it!! And it's not as bad as mine was: "Pee Pee in the Potty! Pee Pee in the Potty!"-- not my best work. I just can't carry a tune, so simple is better for me.

I love that there are 4 tracks by Rabbit on this album. I really enjoy their songs. I sing along to "When We Were Young" whenever it comes on the radio-- it's one of those songs where if you get in the car by yourself and it's on, you don't change the station, even though you prefer AltNation to XM Kid's Place Live. And so the cool thing about this album, is it totally fits into the mold of "Kindie Rock"-- it's music that kids can listen to, has lyrics they understand and enjoy, and it's a style that moms and dads like. "Morton the Caterpillar" is a soft, bittersweet track that talks about believing in yourself and trying again. And so cute-- Morton curls up in his sleeping bag in his "Pickle Tree" :) I love that! I want a pickle tree, and I hate pickles.

You can stream the CD from the widget below, but please go to ITunes and download it and support a good cause! Thanks Folks!

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